Saturday, January 27, 2007

At Loose Ends: Day of Rest

I’ve had a very strange, low-energy day. I’ve been completely brain dead and definitely hit a wall of exhaustion. Also think I might be battling the cold that so many folk along the way seem to have had.

Odd how I can organize this whole complicated trip but today the idea of trying to figure out something interesting and different to do here in Raleigh was just too daunting. I toyed with the idea of going out hiking (the weather was beautiful). I toyed with the idea of going to the movies. In the end I spent the whole day in the hotel room, watching movies on TV (ERIN BROCKOVITCH, a guilty pleasure, was on TNT). I did play Homer for a good solid two hours, the longest single block of time I’ve spent playing the cello since I came to Florida at the beginning of January. It was a frustrating endeavor…I know my playing will improve again but right now everything sounds crappy. In spite of that, it did help to play, which reinforces my recently-created adage: When in doubt, cello.

Around dinnertime I finally ventured out to find food. I decided to get myself lost in Raleigh and pick the first place I could find that looked interesting. I was feeling completely apathetic but knew I needed to eat something. I drove all over, past the state capital building downtown and on up to crass commercial US1, and somehow along that whole route I could find very little in the way of sustenance that wasn’t a McDonalds. Eventually I came across Vaillarta, a Mexican restaurant. Upon entering I found that the entire restaurant was full of actual latino folk – I was one of the few white faces around. My margarita was enormous yet weak and my dinner (chipotle shrimp) was muy yummy. And that concludes my entire performance in Spanish.

Tomorrow I plan to migrate north to Norfolk, VA in preparation for Monday’s audition at Virginia Stage. For now, I am off to sleep.

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